Kako da putuješ besplatno?

Pitanje koje me najviše ljudi pita kada pogleda moj Instagram nalog je ubedljivo: Kako ti toliko putuješ? Odakle ti novac? U ovom teksut po ko zna koji put otkrivam misteriju, koja zapravo i nije misterija, već kombinacija snalazljivosti, kreativnosti i svakako malo ludosti, a verujem da to svako od nas poseduje 🙂

Pročitaj opširnije

04. 07. 2016


Don’t judge

Let’s talk about the ability to see behind your initial instincts that make you have certain generalizations when you meet new people. We are all humans, we all make mistakes, we all do good things, we were all hurt by someone else and felt happy, loved, threatened, sad and depressed. Just because someone sin differently […]

Pročitaj opširnije

14. 01. 2016


First night in the US

Excerpt from my diary. August 2011. Warms my heart to read this. Hope it inspires you. The first night. The night I arrived here my internet wasn’t working and I didn’t have money on my telephone card so I couldn’t message any of my friends that I’ve safely arrived. I felt so cut out of […]

Pročitaj opširnije

25. 02. 2013


How I made it to New York

You know that feeling when you strive for something, but it somehow always slips away from you? Well, that was to story of my life if we talk about studying in the U.S. When I first wanted to start learning the English language I was 5 years old and I heard a song by Celine […]

Pročitaj opširnije

25. 02. 2013

Studije u Americi

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